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02 Apr 2014

Another test

This is an hello world !! I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. I add some other text. The end of the paragraph.

01 Apr 2014

A test (equations are not displayed)

This test is just to validate the use_math variable and the mathjax stuff. Form this small test, it is working very well.

31 Mar 2014

A first test (math works!)

I start to write something. But problems with Maths still occur… oh no!! I write another stuffs, just to see what happens now.
The double space are not great at all to break the line. But whatever !

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