simon with long hair


Email1 me: simon DOT tournier AT gmail DOT com

About Me

My CV is here (pdf|html)2

About this site

The site is mainly written in Markdown with GNU Emacs, then Jekyll generates the static webpages.

The nice point is: once Jekyll configured, the building from Mardown is automatic after each commit to GitHub. It is in the spirit of (La)Tex: the content and the style are separated, and I worried once about the style, and now, I am just writting human readable files. However, I am thinking to switch from Markdown to Org.

CSS styling by Mark Reid (some rights reserved).

  1. right, Google is evil, but the storage and the search features are really useful. So, I am thinking to switch to notmuch, but not enough time to configure it, yet. 

  2. html is automatically generated from pandoc and the latex is not clean enough to obtain clear html… work in progress.